Here's a quick video on how to set up your Duals Leagues.

  1. First Create a new League and Select the Duals League Option. More information on starting leagues you can find in the FAQ: How to create a league?

  2.  Click on the league name to open up the settings. The default page will load the Standings tab. On this page, you will see:

    1. Toggle setting between Standing, Matchup and Games

    2. Year

    3. Week

    4. Add Player button- allows user to add players for the league

    5. Start League 


  1. Next is to add the players. Click on the Add Player button. In the Add League Player page, it shows the list of existing players which you can choose to add in the league but you can also add new players by selecting the Create New Player option.


  1. Once the players are added, the Standings tab will show the player’s list and score table. 

  2. Assign the players to their teams. This is the only difference in setting up a regular league. You must create and assign your players to their teams.

    1. To assign a player to a team, or to create a new team. After adding players to the league you must click their name in the Standings menu

    2. Then you will see the section marked “No Team”. Click that section and a drop-down will appear to add them to a team or create one. If no teams have been created it will only give you the option to create a team.


Create a Duals Team in the App

  1. Select a picture for the team (r leave as default) 

  2. Type in the name of the team. 

  3. Then push the Save button in the top right corner

  1. The Dropdown menu on the top right with the “New Team” should then have the team you created listed, and give you the option to create another. You may make all the teams this way before continuing to assign teams if you wish.


Assign a player to a team 

NOTE: You will only need to assign players to their teams the first week in the season. They continue to be on that team until the season is complete.

  1. Once the teams are created in the Standings menu, click on a player.

  2. Then you will see the section marked “No Team”. Click that section and a drop-down will appear to add them to a team or create one. 

  3. Select the team that the player is a part of. 

    1. NOTE: We’ve found on some browsers that selecting a team doesn’t not show the player assigned to that team in the dropdown. They should still be assigned to that team. To be sure, you may select the team again and on the second try, it should appear that the player is properly assigned. 

  1. Once you are ready, click on the Start League button. The next step is to Check-in the players. Checking-in the players who arrived on the venue to allows you to set-up the match-up


Select the players that will play then click on the Save button.

  1. Once the players are all checked in, you should see all players in the Matchup tab. 

    1. Please verify all players are assigned to teams before starting the league. 

    2. You can see which team all players are assigned to under their name. 

Then you may start your week and play the pre-generated matches in the GAMES tab as you would the standard league.


Scoring in Duals

When scoring in duals each player on both teams has their own target so you may individually score them just like in the Standard League. All of the same functions as Standard League scoring apply. To see how to score players in our app, please see the FAQ Section: How To Record Scores.